A Dataset for Research on Water Sustainability


Freshwater scarcity is a global problem that requires collective efforts across all industry sectors. Nevertheless, a lack of access to operational water footprint data bars many applications from exploring optimization opportunities hidden within the temporal and spatial variations. To break this barrier into research in water sustainability, we build a dataset for operation direct water usage in the cooling systems and indirect water embedded in electricity generation. Our dataset consists of the hourly water efficiency of major U.S. cities and states from 2019 to 2023. We also offer cooling system models that capture the impact of weather on water efficiency. We present a preliminary analysis of our dataset and discuss three potential applications that can benefit from it. Our dataset is publicly available at Open Science Framework (OSF).

The 15th ACM International Conference on Future and Sustainable Energy Systems (ACM e-Energy 2024)
Md Rajib Hossen
Md Rajib Hossen
PhD Candidate in Computer Science

My research interests include Microservices, HPC, Distributed Systems, Machine Learning, and Converged Computing

Mohammad A. Islam
Assistant Professor in Computer Science Department